Access Endeavor's precise mathematical models for ultra-realistic simulations
Click here to view Full Scope of SimulationThe hydraulics model demonstrates the flow and pressure of drilling fluid, which the simulator uses in a multi-layer approach to model the complex physical phenomena that occur inside the hydraulics system at the core of well control operations. This includes the state, movement, and interactions between drilling fluid, gas, cuttings, formation, surface and underground equipment.
The simulation engine supports different types of fluids, oil and gas properties. The engine calls on various gas laws and applicable events when under pressures and temperatures. Many factors are calculated alongside the geometric conditions of flow.
The engine also leverages real-time downhole graphics that provides an actual representation of the subsurface relationships of formations, well plans, drillstring, casing, casing shoes and the fluid dynamic visualizations within the Drillstring, annulus and formations. The visualizations provide valuable information and context in different views such as the stick diagram screen and the 3D Geocube.
The topside model offers an extensive selection ofoperational and equipment malfunctions to learn from, preparing operators forboth routine and unexpected failures. Workers practice difficult tasks, mastercorrect techniques, and learn how to instinctively and properly react tosituations – like unstable downhole conditions and equipment breakdowns – toprevent accidents and injury.
On the virtual drill floor the software engine builds physical behaviors within the drilling equipment and interactions between pipeand other pieces of drilling equipment – or workers – within the environment. The engine detects collisions, near misses and accidents in instances such as pipe handling mistakes by calculating pendulum, gravity and inertia effects.